Are you the type of person that has “New Year, New You” written all over your Instagram feed? Are you motivated by making promises to yourself and your followers? Did you set a fitness resolution for yourself in the new year? Did you fail to stick to it?
If you're like most people, you probably have a New Year's resolution to get in shape. And if you're like most people, you probably don't stick to it. But we have some tips to help you keep your resolutions this year!
Here are some tips to stick with your Fitness Resolution:
1. Be realistic about the amount of exercise you can realistically do on a weekly basis.
You don’t want to set yourself up for failure. The most important thing is to get started, and once you start, it might be easier than you think to stick to your weekly schedule. Try breaking up your workouts into smaller chunks throughout the day instead of trying to fit them all in at once. Even if it's just five minutes at a time, it will add up over time and make a difference!
2. Make sure you have a plan for how much time you’ll spend working out each week and set aside that time in your schedule.
Planning is key when it comes to sticking with your workout routine. You can use the same time every day or alternate days of the week—whatever works best for you. Just make sure that whatever plan you choose, it’s one that leaves enough room for a long run (if that’s what works for you) or a short walk (if that’s what works for you).
3. Set small-term goals along with your bigger long-term goal.
One of the best ways to stick to your New Year's fitness resolution is to set small-term goals along with your bigger long-term goal.
Say you're trying to lose weight in 2023. One way to help you reach your goal is by setting a few smaller milestones, like losing five pounds over the next month or eating one less piece of cake this week. The more specific you can be about what you want to achieve, the easier it will be for you to reach these goals.
So what do you think? What is your resolution for 2013? And how will you keep yourself from straying from it in the coming years?