- Your mouth goes dry (saliva production is the first stage of digestion),
- Your stomach feels unsettled (normal peristaltic motion is interrupted)
- You need to go to the toilet and may have loose bowl movements (absorption of nutrients and liquids can reduce by up to 50%)

The Power Of Calm
Why understanding and managing stress can smash the barrier to achieving health & fitness goals.
STRESS… It’s a small word with an outsized ability to affect the way we feel, behave, look and perform. In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that it affects almost every system and process in the human body. Did you know that over 75% of trips to medical practitioners are thought to be, in some way stress related, and 2 out of 3 of us believe it negatively affects our health and well-being?
The modern world can be a busy and challenging place, but stress is not just hanging around in the air waiting to happen to us. In fact, there is actually no such thing as a stressful SITUATION… only a stressful RESPONSE.
Please consider this for a moment… This isn’t just mincing words. It’s fundamental. If we can connect with the fact that stress is not a ‘reality’ but our own response to a threat or challenge, then we can understand how to identify and manage it more successfully.
This is an article about basic physiology and simple science. A body under the constant ‘Red Alert’ pressure of the stress response is prone to exhaustion, imbalance, and breakdown.
Let’s take a look at just 4 ways persistent stress can affect the systems and processes that support health and performance:
Digestion and nutrient absorption: Digestion is one of the most energy demanding processes in the body so, when stressed, your system suspends this function to conserve energy for fight/flight. This is why, when stressed or anxious: